Yeah, lots of candy again I got as u can see (if u arent blind mouse :D...), only thing what is here to say is FUCK YEAH B)... :D! So was The Island good may u ask :D, ou yeah it was =), 9,3/10 point good to be exact B)! So a movie and lots of candy =), what could be better :D! Well, maybe if I got something else also, which I did B)! As u can see, there is a Advanced SCART AV Cable on top of my DVD recorder (hard drive 160 Gb B)...), so that I can record Xbox 360 ("Kolkki" is what I call it in finnish :p... :D) games, like Saints Row which I now play (i got it for christmas gift =), which I bought it myself to myself :D...)! But before there is coming a Advance SCART AV cable video :D, I'm gonna first publish a video which I "made" with my digital camera (Canon Ixus 70 B)...) =), but there is only one "problem" :x, the quality is quite awful :'(... But who cares about the quality when the video is AWESOME =), yeah, well :p, everybody :'(... :D! But soon when the video is ready, next weekend propably =), then I will advertise it here B), so be ready for it (propably next saturday) =)! So u noticed the toothbrush :p, then u also propably see the chewing gum :x, well, I got the gum for free with the brush B)! And 'cause my old one is so old :'(, this was a must trade B), yeah :D! Yep, that's all for this time :)...
...now I shall go and, well, *puke* ('cause there's so much, too much :p, candy...) :D!
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