Hi, this is my other blog ("main" blog u find "links to other places") :)! So why I blog with this (also) :x, 'cause this is fun ;), EHEHEHEEeeeee :D! So what I mainly blog, well, 'cause "I like watching TV and movies and play games" (like my profile says) :p, I ofcource blog about them =)! So u noticed, my english is FUCKING (:D) bad :(, but, what can u do :'( ('cause u "cant" speak ur primary language, which is btw Finnish...), but shit happens :D... But mainly I just blog about my new devices B), one of them being almost the monitor in the pic =), black one ofcourse :(, I want the 24 inch white one B), but :'(... But maybe one day I will get it B), maybe even better one =), that will the future tell... But that monitor getting/buying shit (:D) happens some day in the future :o, 'cause this shall be the first bloggin ('cause the title says so :D), and 'cause I'm going to go to the past and blog them (old devides) here, this will be removed way back to be the first bloggin B), so forget the Samsung 22 inch beaty and..., yeah! For now, we shall wait me for getting new devices (and blog the old ones), then we shall see again in here =), exept if I get bored with this :(, which might happen :/, we shall see :p...
...WE SHALL SEE, hope u stay tuned to see =)... :p... :D!